46 Config Overrides


Enable local configuration overrides for vaults


Dendron vaults are often shared in different environments and might be used by multiple people. Users of a vault depend on a common dendron.yml for all configuration which means that local customization isn't feasible


Introduce local configuration overrides. On initialization, dendron will look for a .dendronrc.yml file in the following order:

  • .dendronrc.yml file in the same directory as the vault
  • .dendronrc.yml file in the user $HOME directory

The layout of these yml files will be exactly the same as dendron.yml and will be merged with existing options when a matching key is found


The following shows a vault with a single vault with a local override that adds an additional local vault


  • File structure
- seed
    - README.md
    - dendron.yml
    - .dendronrc.yml
    - notes/
  • dendron.yml
    • NOTE: ... is used to denotte ommited configuration details that are not relevant to this example
            fsPath: .
            selfContained: true
            name: seed
    enableFMTitle: true
  • .dendronrc.yml
            fsPath: .
            selfContained: true
            name: seed
            fsPath: dependencies/localhost/sprout
            selfContained: true
            name: sprout
    enableFMTitle: false


When pulling down the vault seed, contributors only see the contents of the seed vault and also a preview with enableFMTitle: true behavior. For this particular user, because they have a local override, they will see an additional vault, sprout when they load Dendron.


Note that we could have made this interface more ergonomic by assuming vaults should be extended instead of replaced. Presumabliy, this would be the common case and would also support common usecases like adding global vaults that get added to all projects by putting these vaults in the $HOME/.dendronrc.yml directory.

The reason this RFC proposes not doing this is because of the following:

  • introduces additional complexity into the override process (for this proposal, we simply use the lodash merge method
  • introduces additional complexity into understanding how config overrides would work (if we extend vaults, do we also extend other array like settings like siteHierarchies?)
  • makes it hard to support the usecase of removing vaults via a local override
  • makes assumptions about underlying use case

If, after launching this feature, we find that extending vaults is what the overwhelming majority of users want, we can revisit this design decision and iterate upon it


  • Adds more complexity in exchange for functionality
  • Loading optional configuration overrides is a potential vector for security vulnerabilities (eg. attacker writes a custom configuration in the users $HOME directory that executes code). while dendron configuration doesn't posess this ability today, it might in the future through registration of hooks and other functionality. This is something to be mindful of when adding configuration options in the future

