
Getting Started

  1. Install dependencies
    git clone
    cd markdown-links
    npm install
  2. Use Run Extension from the debug pane (note: this requires that dendron be installed. VSCode might ask you to install Dendron and reload at this point)
  3. Make sure you are inside a Dendron workspace. If not, either initialize one using Dendron: Initialize Workspace or change to one using Dendron: Change Workspace

Setup without Dendron Extension Installed

Dendron markdown links depends on the dendron extension to be active. You can still make it work without the extension by the following instructions:

  1. Comment out the following in package.json
    "extensionDependencies": [
  2. Follow step 2 in the setup instructions above.
  3. Instead of using the plugin to initialize a Dendron workspace, initialize the workspace using the dendron-cli
    No note with name dendron.ref.cli found in cache during parsing.