44 Standard srcfieldMapping for all pods


This is a proposal to standarized on a common source-field mapping that all pods can adopt as well as a common API that pods can use to access the mapping.


The mapping of fields from Dendron to fields in a pod destination is currenly ad hoc. Github issues exposes one way of mapping (aliasMapping) that is different from that introduced in the airtable pod (src field mapping)



The SrcFieldMapping in the pod config must have:

  • required: array of fields that are required. Absense of required array in srcFieldMapping would consider all the fields as optional.
  • skipOnEmpty: if set to true, skips exporting the field if value provided is empty('' | [] | {} | undefined)
  • Key to be the name of field in destination.
  • Value to be an object with the following properties:
    • to: Dendron field to map (body, title etc)
    • type: type of this field in destination. See Type enumeration
    • filters: pattern to filter values of to field. Accepts multiple values.
    • scope: limit the scope for tags and links property.
    • clean: array of actions to perform on the value.
    • default: default value for the field.

Type enumeration

The type field can have following values:

  • string
  • number
  • date
  • boolean
  • singleSelect
  • multiSelect
  • linkedRecord
  • object(custom defined)


Scope Limiting

This section elaborates the behavior of exporting tags and links in a note. By default we export all tags and links. In order to limit the export scope to frontmatter, body or a section, we should have a scope field with one of the following values:

- fm: limit scope to just frontmatter of note
- body: limit scope to note body
- all: scan entire note.
- section: scan a section of note.

Frontmatter Scope

    Scope: {to: tags, type: multiSelect, filters: "tags.size.*", scope: fm},

Section Scope

For the below mapping, all the tags present in section Header 1 will be exported to Scope field in Airtable.

Scope: {to: tags, type: multiSelect, filter: "tags.size.*", scope: section#header-1},


  • For Airtable custom pod config, the mapping should look like
sourceFieldMapping:  {
      required: [DendronId, Name],
      skipOnEmpty: true,
      DendronId: {to: id, type: string}, 
      Name: {to: title, type: string},
      Notes: {to: body, type: string}, 
      Size: {to: tags, type: singleSelect, filters: "tags.size.*"},
      Owner: {to: owner, type: singleSelect}
  • For Github Issue Publish Pod, the mapping should look like
sourceFieldMapping:  {
  Status: {to: status, type: string, clean: [{action: remap, data: {x : 'CLOSED', w: 'OPEN'}}]},    
  Assignees: {to: assignees, type: string },
  Labels: {to: tags, type: multiSelect}
  • to add owner as an alias of assignees we can update the to field.
  • to remap dendron user tags with Github usernames we can update the clean field.
      Assignees: {to: owner, type: string, clean: [{action: remap, data: {joshi : 'Harshita-mindfire', kaan: 'SeriousBug' }}] },


Here are some points brought up during the discussions. These points should be already reflected in this RFC, but are included here for reference.

  • A new constraint required is added to define optional and required fields. All the fields are by default optional unless stated otherwise.
  • A new assert skipOnEmpty with default value true. If set to true, and no default value is provided for fallback, the field remains unchanged in Airtable. It covers both empty ('' | {} | [] ) and explicitly stated undefined value.
  • Addition of new fields for the mapping object.
    1. field scope is introduced for limiting export scope of tags and links. See Scope Limiting for enum.
    2. field clean to describe an array of actions to perform on the value. These actions are used to hydrate the values before export.
    3. field default to provide a default value for fallback when the field is either null, empty or undefined.
  • The filter field is renamed to filters to apply multiple filters.


