

  • is the subprocess running? logs
  • did note indexing finish successfully? logs


Something went wrong during the build

In case something something goes wrong with a build step or you want to save time by not running everything, is just a thin wrapper around the following scripts, each of which can be run individually

  • ./bootstrap/scripts/ lerna bootstrap all packages
  • ./bootstrap/scripts/ lerna build all packages

Changes not showing up in Dendron

  1. Are you using the Run extension command on the debugger panel to test dendron?

  2. If you have one vscode instance which you have dendron installed and are also doing dendron development on, you might get a version conflict. in that case, use Run extension with plugin disabled in the debugger panel (or use a different version of vscode to run dendron vs develop)

Husky Hooks not running

Make sure you run yarn at the root of your workspace