24 Custom Theming


Provide custom theming for Dendron Preview1 and the Dendron NextJS Template 2


Dendron currently does not allow for custom theming of either the preview or the published site. This is one of our highest request features in regards to preview and publishing.


  1. Introduce new command, Customize Theme, which will do the following:
    • this command has two options: preview and publishing
    • if the user selects preview, create a file called style.less at {workspace}/style.less
    • if the user selects publishing, create a file called style.less at {workspace}/.next/style.less
  2. Introduce new command, Apply Theme, which will do the following:
    • this command has two options: preview and publishing
    • on preview, when Dendron runs in a workspace with a style.less file, it will style Dendron using the given stylesheet
    • on publishing, when Dendron publishes notes in a next project with a style.less file, it will publish using the given stylesheet

Out of Scope

  • customizing mermaid theme
  • customizing prismjs theme
  • having light and dark versions of themes


Less to CSS Conversion

We need to transform less to css before we can consume it in React. Currently we use the following gulp script 3 to make this happen with the default theme.

For custom theme, we'll need to run the gulp script when Apply Theme has been called. Instead of generating the css in public, the css should be generated in {workspace}/build/style.css if generating for preview and in {workspace}/.next/public/style.css for publishing

  • NOTE: we can't directly generate the stylesheet in the Dendron extension directory because VSCode checks the checksum of the extension dir after installation

Fetching CSS


Preview theme logic is described here preview-theme. A new theme needs to be added to the themeMap called custom.

The theme path needs will be a request to the getTheme api-theme method which will need to be adjusted to accomadate the preview theme.


Preview theme logic is described here publish-theme. A new theme needs to be added to the themeMap called custom.

The theme path can be set to /style.css since the css can be directly put into the public/ folder.

Setting the new theme


When loading the nextjs template, add a new query parameter that will indicate to Dendron that we are using a custom theme. See the dendron-next architecture next-server-arch to see how this is done today. Modify the _app.tsx to recognize this parameter and apply the custom theme.


Add an environmental variable in .env to indicate we are using a custom theme. Modify the _app.tsx to recognize this parameter and apply the custom theme.




Adding a new theme to the preview

  1. User run command: Dendron: Customize Theme
  2. User Select: preview
  3. Dendron Creates {workspace}/style.less and open the editor to given page
  4. User makes edits
  5. User run command: Dendron: Apply Theme
  6. User Select: preview
  7. Dendron compiles {workspace}/style.less to {workspace}/build/style.css
  8. User run command: Dendron: Show Preview
  9. Dendron shows preview with new theme

Deleting a theme

  1. User deletes {workspace}/style.less
  2. User run command: Dendron: Apply Theme


  • Pros
    • Keeps compatibility with existing AntD design framework
  • Cons
    • Adding gulp to the plugin along with less -> css processing files will increase the extension size
    • less is no longer mainstream scss is much more popular


What is the behavior for mermaid and prism when using a custom theme?

By default, we will switch to the default light theme of these respective components. In the future, these will also be customizable.


All discussions for this RFC can be directed to this github discussion



  1. Preview (Private)˄

  2. NextJS Template˄

  3. Add Ability to Generate Themes (Private)˄

  4. Theming (Private)˄

  5. Themes˄

  6. Theme˄

  7. Startup (Private)˄

  8. Dev (Private)˄

  9. Quickstart˄