

To debug specific dendron-cli commands, run a CLI tasks from dendron-cli/.vscode/tasks.json

See the build-site inside tasks.json for an example.

Alternatively, you can use the following in the CLI

env LOG_LEVEL=debug node --inspect $ROOT/packages/dendron-cli/lib/bin/dendron-cli.js buildSite --stage dev 

Adding a task

  • Add a json obj to tasks array in dendron-cli/.vscode/tasks.json file.
  • Provide a suitable label for the task. This is the same label that will be prompted while running task.
  • Use builtin variable ${workspaceFolder} to specify location of your workspace. ${workspaceFolder} holds the file-path of dendron-cli folder.

Example task:

      "label": "publish-pod",
      "type": "shell",
      "command": "node --inspect ${workspaceFolder}/lib/bin/dendron-cli publishPod --wsRoot ${workspaceFolder}/../../test-workspace --podId dendron.markdown --vault vault --query root --podSource builtin",
      "problemMatcher": []

Run Task

To run a test, use VSCode tasks

- `cmd/ctrl` + `shift` + `p`, -> `Task: Run Task` in the command palette
- Select the appropriate task to run.

  1. Debug
