Add a Web UI Component

  1. see Create a new Command (Private) for creating a new command
  2. Add a new entry to DendronWebViewKey
  3. in execute, create a new webview
      const title = //TODO: add panel title
      const panel = window.createWebviewPanel(
        "dendronIframe", // Identifies the type of the webview. Used internally
        title, // Title of the panel displayed to the user
        ViewColumn.One, // Editor column to show the new webview panel in.
          enableScripts: true,
          enableCommandUris: true,
          enableFindWidget: true,
          localResourceRoots: [],
      resp = WebViewUtils.genHTMLForWebView({
          title: "Dendron Config",
          view: DendronWebViewKey[TODO]
      panel.webview.html = resp;

