

Engine methods are tested in multiple places, listed in Engine Test Contexts (Private)

To reduce writing the same test cases multiple times, engine tests are written in the following format where ENGINE_PRESETS contains a common set of test cases that can be tested both in memory and on the server.

describe("engine, notes/", () => {
  const nodeType = "NOTES";

  ENGINE_PRESETS.forEach((pre) => {
    const { name, presets } = pre;
    describe(name, () => {
        _.map(presets[nodeType], (v, k) => {
          return [k, v];
      )("%p", async (_key, TestCase) => {
        const { testFunc, ...opts } = TestCase;
        await runEngineTestV5(testFunc, { ...opts, createEngine, expect });

When running tests, jest will go over every test case in ENGINE_PRESETS. The list of all presets can be found in ../packages/engine-test-utils/src/presets/engine-server/index.ts (Private) and are organized by API method.

Creating a new preset

Follow the convention in ../packages/engine-test-utils/src/presets/engine-server/getByPath.ts (Private) to create a new preset. After the preset is created, tests will automatically run via Engine Test Contexts (Private)

Running a single test case from one preset

While working on a new preset, you might want to test just your single preset vs running over everything. In order to narrow the test case to a single preset, use getPreset in ../packages/engine-test-utils/src/presets/engine-server/index.ts (Private)

Example use case:

import { getPreset } from "../../presets";

test.only("bond", async () => {
  const preset = getPreset({
    key: "BASIC",
    nodeType: "NOTES",
    presetName: "render",
    presets: ENGINE_PRESETS,
  const { testFunc, ...opts } = preset;
  await runEngineTestV5(testFunc, { ...opts, createEngine, expect });

Run a preset

Similar to Running a single test case from one preset (Private), except for running an entire preset at once

const presetName = "rename";
const group = getPresetGroup({ nodeType, presetName, presets: ENGINE_PRESETS });
describe.only(presetName, () => {
    _.map(group, (v, k) => {
      return [k, v];
  )("%p", async (_key, TestCase) => {
    const { testFunc, ...opts } = TestCase;
    await runEngineTestV5(testFunc, { ...opts, expect });


Engine Test Contexts
