
Dendron uses a design split between the engine and plugin to add decorations for the editor. The engine is responsible for the heavier work of computing the decorations to be displayed, while the plugin then converts the engine output to be displayed by VSCode.

This part of the documentation describes the engine side, see decorations in plugin for the plugin side.


The main part of the decorations starts in ../packages/unified/src/decorations/decorations.ts (Private){func: runDecorator} A few points of interest here:

  • All decoration code is organized under this folder.
  • The getDecorations function gets both the note id and ranges to be decorated, but also the actual text for those ranges. This is needed because the note body known by the engine may be stale, which would cause the engine the generate stale decorations. It's better to get the text from the plugin which has access to the most up-to-date version of the note text.

Note Reference

runDecorator {
  case DendronASTTypes.REF_LINK_V2: {
decorateReference {


Updating an existing decoration

First, look at the runDecorator function in decorations.ts to find the decoration you are looking for, then navigate to the function for that decoration.

Adding a new decoration

First, add a new case in runDecorator in decorations.ts if the existing cases don't cover what you are trying to decorate. There can only be one decorator per node type, but each decorator can generate many decoration objects so you can always extend an existing one.

Next, in common-all check DECORATION_TYPES to find all existing decoration types. You'll want to add a new entry under here.

Then, write your decoration code, either in a new function you added or inside an existing function. Check existing functions for examples of how you can write a decorator.

Finally, go back the plugin to add your new decoration there. Without that step, Dendron can't display your decoration.
