Remove Existing Config


  1. Scrub through the entire codebase that references the config key, and modify the logic accordingly.
  2. Add the deprecated path in ../packages/engine-server/src/migrations/utils.ts (Private)
  3. Once the deprecated path is added, ConfigUtils.detectDeprecatedConfigs will catch it in the subsequent release (if extensionInstallStatus === InstallStatus.UPGRADED). The user will be prompted to trigger a doctor command. This means we don't have to explicitly write migration code that scrubs the deprecated config key from dendron.yml.
  4. Update tests and json schema

    Update Json

    1. Update the json schema Run yarn gen:data at the root of the monorepo
    2. Update snapshots

      Start anchor updating-test-snapshots not found

      ../packages/plugin-core/src/test/suite-integ/SetupWorkspace.test.ts (Private)

    Set a new default for new users but don't change behavior existing users

    Do this when setting a new default for new users.

    1. Update genLatestConfig and set a sensible default there. New users will get this
    2. Old users will get whatever value was set in Add New Config
