Developing the Web Extension


This outlines how to develop the web extension version of the Dendron plugin.


Familiarize yourself with the following info about Web Extensions:


The code that can be used in the web-extension have certain restrictions:

  • They cannot use node-only modules like fs, fs-extra. Instead, vscode.workspace.fs must be used for filesystem operations.
  • They cannot include any modules that have node-only dependencies. This means that when it comes to Dendron packages, only common-all can be used. common-server, engine-server cannot be used.

If you include a dependency that doesn't work in the browser environment, you'll get a compile error when compiling the web extension. To compile, see 'Compiling' section below

Importing files in plugin-core may also cause issues due to fs usage, so to better organize our code files, we're trying to move to the following model detailed below in 'Folder Structure'.

Folder Structure

Proposed structure for code files under /packages/plugin-core/src:

Anything that is under a folder **/web/** is web only; anything under **/node/** is node-only; and anything under **/common/** is safe for both.

However, please note that while we're in the process of migrating our code, assume that anything not under **/web/** or **/common/** directories is not safe to use in the web extension.

└── src
    ├── commands
    │   ├── common
    │   │   └── NoteLookupCommandBase.ts // any common files
    │   ├── node
    │   │   └── NoteLookupCommand.ts // any node specific files
    │   └── web
    │       └── NoteLookupCommand.ts // any web specific files
    ├── views
    │   └── common // This particular folder may not have any diff between web/node, so no need for those folders
    │       └── TreeView.ts
    └── some-other-directory


To compile, you can run the yarn tasks yarn compile-web or yarn watch-web for watch mode.

Note on Compiler Warnings when importing interfaces:

Because interfaces get erased by webpack, you'll get a warning when trying to import an interface. To resolve, import them as type:

import { type ITelemetryClient } from "../../telemetry/common/ITelemetryClient";
import { type IReducedEngineAPIService } from "../engine/IReducedEngineApiService";
import { type ILookupProvider } from "./lookup/ILookupProvider";

TSyringe for Dependency Injection

The web extension is using TSyringe for DI. Eventually, we want to adopt this framework and pattern for all of plugin-core.

TSyringe allows us to have a simplified initialization sequence and reduce coupling / circular dependency risk:

  • A TSyringe container is first configured for the web version of the extension, and the container is then used to instantiate the commands, views, and other required objects.
  • Instead of passing around a monolithic IDendronExtension/DendronWorkspace objects with static getters, only the configuration and components required by a class are injected into the constructor. This will help us reduce coupling and improve testability.

See TSyringe Docs.

Running / Testing the Web Extension

See Running Dendron in Web Extension Host

Additional Reference
