Test Templates in GH Action


  1. Checkout Publish Gh Action Dev (Private)
    git clone https://github.com/dendronhq/template.publish.github-action-dev.git
  2. Update CLI to latest version
    yarn add @dendronhq/dendron-cli@latest
    npx dendron publish init

Test actions locally

  1. Make changes to workspace to test for new functionality
  2. Update nextjs-template
    cd .next
    git checkout --track origin/dev
  3. See changes locally
    npx dendron publish dev

Test changes in pipeline

  1. Make changes to workspace to test for new functionality
  2. Make an update to vault/root.md, updating version, date and hash (git commit) values
    Last updated: 
    - version: v0.95
    - date: 2022-05-17
  3. Push
    git push
  4. Manually run the following actions:
  5. Verify page is live and that the changes show up -> https://dendronhq.github.io/template.publish.github-action-dev/
