

Tests are run using playwright, an e2e testing framework for the browser. Note that we have chosen to move away from cypress (https://alisterbscott.com/2021/10/27/five-reasons-why-playwright-is-better-than-cypress/)

On Github actions, these tests will run on Chrome/Firefox/Safari for ubuntu-latest


Tests should be written under the $DENDRON_REPO_ROOT/packages/nextjs-template/tests directory.

See $DENDRON_REPO_ROOT/packages/nextjs-template/tests/example.spec.ts for an example


IMPORTANT: If running for the first time, run npx playwright install --with-deps. This will install necessary playwright browsers

  1. Running all tests
cd $DENDRON_REPO_ROOT/packages/nextjs-template
yarn test
  1. To skip building the application (useful if only working with spec files and don't need to rebuild every time)
yarn test:skipbuild

Running a single test

cd $DENDRON_REPO_ROOT/packages/nextjs-template
npx playwright test tests/example.spec.ts

To skip build

SKIP_BUILD=1 npx playwright test tests/example.spec.ts

Using the Test Workspace

You can use the Test Workspace to check publishing changes.

  • NOTE: we use --attach to speed up the export if a workspace is active. otherwise, drop the flag to initiliaze via the CLI
export DENDRON_REPO_ROOT={path/to/dendron/repo}
cd $DENDRON_REPO_ROOT/test-workspace
dendron exportPod --podId dendron.nextjs --config="dest=$DENDRON_REPO_ROOT/packages/nextjs-template" --attach

Using your own workspace

Same instructions as above. Change into your own workspace instead of $DENDRON_REPO_ROOT/test-workspace

Using amplify

To test nextjs-template with the contents of dendron, push to the dev branch of nextjs-template. This is automatically consumed by the Dev Wiki Endpoint (Private).

Testing locally using dev template

  1. Checkout Publish Gh Action Dev (Private)
  2. Do the following
# upgrade cli
npm install @dendronhq/dendron-cli@latest

# change to dev branch
npx dendron publish init
git reset --hard
git checkout --track origin/dev

# do edit
dendron publish dev

Testing in github actions using dev template

E2E testing

Playwright is used for doing end-to-end testing. All tests of that kind are located under the e2e folder.

Running the e2e tests

To run these tests the following options are available

  1. To run all tests under /e2e, yarn test from within the nextjs-template directory
  2. To run all tests without building application everytime, yarn test:skipbuild
  3. To run just a single file, npx playwright test tests/example.spec.ts from within the nextjs-template directory
  4. To skip build while testing that test file, SKIP_BUILD=1 npx playwright test tests/example.spec.ts

NOTE: Some tests do VRT(visual regression testing) whereby they take screenshots from specific areas of the page. These tests will probably fail since they are compared to previously done screenshots that where created under a specific environment. That environment must be the same as the one being created inside the CI pipeline. To close that gap we can create that environment locally using a docker container. The following command executed from the root of the project will run the nextjs-template e2e test inside that environment:

yarn ci:test:template:docker

Creating a new e2e test

Inside the e2e folder you find example.spec.ts that can be used to understand how a test is structured. Here an simple test case:

import test from "./next-fixture";
import { expect } from "@playwright/test";

test("Test home page", async ({ page, port }) => {
  await page.goto(`http://localhost:${port}/`);
  const name = await page.innerText("h1");

Notice the test import from next-fixture. This is a Playwright feature allowing to setup, in our case, options that are set for every test. You should use that instead of the default test from playwright.

Visual Regression Testing

  • To do visual regression testing use toHaveScreenshot and provide the name parameter that will be used as the location for the image. Using an array you can apply a folder structure for organizational purposes.
  • To update snapshots use the -u or --update-snapshots flag, by appending it to the command like so yarn ci:test:template:docker -u
    • Make sure you have build the project beforehand, in case your build files diverge from what your current branch would have.


  • use --debug flag to tell playwright to start with debugger in which you can then step through each line in your test.


Upading dendron-site.zip

When testing in the github actions pipeline, we use the contents of dendron-site.zip to run tests

  1. Archive
  2. Test Templates in GH Action
