


  1. Launch the server using the build task start debug server launch task
  2. Update the following settings of Dendron to use a running server through the following workspace setting
    dendron.serverPort": 3005`
  1. Reload the workspace for the settings to take affect

debug task


Tests that use the engine server connect to a dynamically created express server when making api calls. These calls can be hard to debug. If you want to step through the server side code, pass in createEngineByConnectingToDebugServer to the tests instead while testing

  await runEngineTestV5(
    async () => {
-        createEngine: createEngineFromServer,
+        createEngine: createEngineByConnectingToDebugServer,

Afterwards, follow instructions from Debug to launch the debug server.

Debugging api-server in another IDE

  1. Start the api-server with debug port open:
      cd $DENDRON_REPO_ROOT/packages/api-server
      npm run start:integ:debug
    This starts api-server with port 9229 open.
  2. Attach to api-server from your IDE. Example settings for InteliJ/WebStorm:
  Run/Debug Configuration:
    Attach to Node.js/Chrome:
      Host: localhost
      Port: 9229
      Attach To: Chrome or Node.js > 6.3 started with --inspect 
