

A lookup command is a vscode command that instantiates a Lookup with custom Lookup and a Lookup.

Examples of lookup commands include:

  • Note Lookup
  • Rename Note
  • Insert Note Link
  • etc.

The basic design of lookup command is outlined in the following pseudocode (Private)

class FooLookupCommand extends BaseCommand {

    gatherInputs {
        lc = LookupController.create(...)
        lp = new FooLookupProvider()

    execute {


Lookup Command

Any command that makes use of the lookup widget.

Lookup Controller

Used to create a lookup command. Has the following interface.

constructor(opts: {
    nodeType: DNodeType;
    buttons: DendronBtn[];
    fuzzThreshold?: number;

Different lookup commands with instantiate lookup with different modifiers.

Lookup Modifiers

A lookup modifier modifiers how lookup behaves. More details on that here (Private). Modifiers are passed into lookup using the buttons property in the constructor. Buttons can be toggled in the UI and when enabled, can affect lookup.

Button come in the following types

  • LookupEffectType
    • performs some effect (eg. copy note)
  • LookupNoteType
    • change the default hiearchy name
  • LookupSelectionType
    • performs an action on current selection
  • LookupSplitType
    • changes how a note is opened
  • LookupFilterType
    • changes onUpdateItems behavior in the Lookup

Lookup Provider

Provides results for lookup and controls the updateItems and onAccept methods when a user interacts with lookup. Different base classes will provide different implementations of the provider depending on functionality desired.

Past Tasks

  1. Architecture
  2. Cook
