42 Self Contained Vaults


Dendron's seperation between vaults and workspaces have been a source of confusion for users, and complexity during the development. Eliminating this complexity will make Dendron easier to use, and easier to develop and maintain.


Vaults in Dendron are collections of notes, schemas, and assets.

Workspaces in Dendron are containers for vaults and configuration files. Each workspace contains a dendron.yml file and one or more vaults, and potentially a dendron.code-workspace file.

Dendron workspaces are sometimes also VSCode workspaces. This is always true for code workspaces, but only sometimes for native workspaces.

What's more, Workspace Vaults blur the lines between vaults and workspaces. A workspace vault is a workspace that only includes local vaults, that has been added as a remote vault into another workspace. When this happens, Dendron automatically recognizes that the remote is a workspace and imports the vaults inside of that workspace.



  • Dependency: One vault listing another vault in the vaults section of its dendron.yml file.
  • Dependent vault: The vault that lists the other vault as a dependency. If vault A depends on vault B, then A is the dependent vault.
  • Depended vault: The vault that was listed as a dependency. If vault A depends on vault B, then B is the depended vault.
  • Transitive dependency: If vault "A" depends on vault "B", and vault "B" depends on vault "C", then "A" has a transitive dependency on "C".
  • Read-only vault: A vault that the user either can't or doesn't want to modify.
  • Local vault: A vault that is not in a git repository.
  • Remote vault: A vault that is in a git repository.

Self Contained Vaults

Dendron should remove the concept of workspaces and only use vaults.

Each vault should have the following structure:

├── dendron.code-workspace          # optional, but should be added by default
├── dendron.yml                     # required
├── dependencies                    # created automatically, contains all vaults that have been pulled in
│  ... see next heading
└── notes                           # optional
   ├── assets                          # optional, stores images and PDFs and such
   │  └── image.jpg
   ├── root.md
   └── root.schema.yml

dendron.yml is the configuration file that will be used if this vault is opened by itself in VSCode. Inside the configuration, the vaults section is now optional in self contained vaults. Everything else is optional.

If the vault contains any notes or schemas, then the notes folder must exist and must contain root.md and root.schema.yml. If notes is omitted, then the vault can't contain any notes. It won't appear as an option in lookups or any other command that can create a note or schema.

The dependencies folder and it's layout is described below.

Vault Dependencies

Each vault can include one or more vaults in the vaults section of their configuration file. If included, these vaults are the dependencies of the current vault. The current vault is called the dependent vault, and the vaults listed are called depended vaults. Depended vaults may have their own dependencies.

Dendron, during initialization, will pull in any vaults that this vault depends on, whether directly or transitively. These vaults should be stored in a dependencies folder inside this vault. All direct and transitive dependencies are flattened into the dependencies vault. If more than one vault depends on the same vault (has the same remote and same target) then the vault will be pulled in only once. The dependencies folder will not be included in git repositories. The dependencies folder is structured like this:

├── github.com
│  ├── dendronhq
│  │  ├── dendron-docs@main      # depends on github.com/dendronhq/dendron-docs, on main branch
│  │  └── dendron-site@master    # depends on github.com/dendronhq/dendron-site, on master branch
│  └── SeriousBug
│     └── recipes@main  # depends on github.com/SeriousBug/recipes, on main branch
├── gitlab.com
│  └── example
│     └── vault@main             # depends on gitlab.com/example/vault, on main branch
└── localhost                    # a local vault
   └── secret-diary

Depended vaults are stored in folders according the path of their remotes. Each vault path ends with @..., which is the git object that will be checked out from the remote. This may be a branch, a tag, or a commit.

Depended vaults don't have to be remote vaults: they can be local vaults as well. The local vaults will not be included in the repository for the dependent vault: each repository can only contain one vault.

Read-only vaults

A user may not want to, or be able to modify a vault. This is a common pattern for public knowledge bases such as seeds. These vaults can be marked as read only in the dependent vault's configuration. The notes and schemas inside read-only vaults will be included in the lookup bar, however creating new notes will behave differently:

  • If the vault for the new note is picked automatically, a read-only vault will only be selected if there's a hierarchy match.
  • If the vault for the new note is being prompted, then read-only vaults will be listed last and marked with "recommended as read-only". A user may choose to ignore the warning and create a note in read-only vaults anyway.

A vault can be marked as read-only when listing the vault in the vaults:... section of the configuration file.

Vaults can also mark in their own configuration that they should be added as a read-only vault by default. This can be used to mark public vaults that don't accept contributions: for example an XKCD vault that automatically updates itself won't accept new notes.


Local vaults contained within remote vaults

Dendron should warn the user if the top level vault is a remote vault, but it contains local vaults inside it. This is important since in previous Dendron versions, placing the workspace in a repository would add all local vaults to the repository as well.

Sync command

The sync command will synchronize all vaults in the workspace. Vaults that are marked only will be synchronized with the "pullOnly" configuration by default, and other vaults will be synchronized with "sync" configuration by default. These configurations can be overridden per vault in the configuration file of the dependent vault. Vaults that are transitive dependencies will inherit the sync configuration from their dependents, if vault "A" is configured as "skip" and "A" depends on "B", then "B" will also use the "skip" configuration.


Since workspaces and vaults are a very fundamental part of Dendron, a slow/soft migration would be the best course of action.

  1. Dendron adds support for self contained vaults, but hides certain parts of the feature behind a dev configuration flag:

    • New vaults will be created as stand-alone vaults
    • Existing vaults can be converted to stand-alone vaults with a command

    The flag and new feature will be announced for users if they would like to help us debug it.

  2. We iterate on this feature, and keep the dev configuration until:

    • the feature has matured
    • and a majority of users have a Dendron version that can read stand-alone vaults
  3. The dev flag is removed, and the hidden features become the default.

  4. Once the feature is stable and fully mature, a deprecation notice with a full removal deadline is announced.

  5. Support for old style vaults is completely removed. The migration command is moved into an import pod to recover old style vaults for any remaining unmigrated vaults.

Overriding Transitive Dependencies

A user may wish to override the transitive dependencies that are pulled into their vault. This should be possible by adding the dependency to a higher level vault, then changing the dependency settings in that vault. In other words, direct dependencies take precedence over transitive dependencies if the same vault is imported twice.

For example, if "A" depends on "B" and "B" depends on "C", the settings for "C" such as the vault name can be overridden by adding "C" as a direct dependency to "A" and changing the settings.

No clone

A vault dependency can be marked as "no clone". If marked as such, Dendron will read the vault if it already exists but will not clone the vault if it doesn't exist.

This can be used along with 42 Self Contained Vaults to block certain vaults from being cloned in.

Dependency configuration

Depended vaults are listed in the vaults section of the configuration for each vault. This is the existing location for vaults configuration, but the settings for vaults will be expanded as follows.

name: vault-name # Name displayed to users, and used in cross-vault links
visibility: private # optional, the vault and all it's transitive dependencies will not be published
fsPath: github.com/dendronhq/example-vault # the path to the vault folder, automatically set up by Dendron
remote: # optional, added automatically for remote vaults
  type: git
  url: "git@github.com:dendronhq/example-vault.git"
  checkout: main # the branch to check out after cloning the vault. Dendron will not change branches after the initial clone.
sync: noCommit # optional, overrides the global synchronization setting. Applies to all transitive dependencies.
publishedAt: "https://example.com" # optional, used for URLs generated during publishing and Copy Note Link. Applies to all transitive dependencies.
readOnly: false # optional, see read-only vaults section above. Applies to all transitive dependencies.
noClone: false # optional, see no clone section above. Applies to all transitive dependencies.


In this section we'll look at some use cases of Dendron, and how they will work with the proposed changes.

I want to synchronize my vault so that I can use it across different machines

This is hard to do today because you need to add two things to version control - a workspace plus a vault. The workspace is also not synchronized by workspace sync. You can keep all vaults inside the workspace, but this is not an easy to discover feature.

With self contained vaults, this is made easier if the user only has a single vault as the vault and workspace are now unified. It is made more difficult if the user has multiple vaults however, as each vault has to go in their own vault. We could introduce additional tooling to ease this as well, for example "Vault Convert" could push each local vault into a different branch of the same remote.

I want to share my vault with others so that we can collaborate on work together

This is hard to do today because sharing a vault is not enough to get started, you also have to share a workspace or have the collaborator create their own. Sharing your workspace is also problematic because you have to take care to remove any private vaults you don't want to share.

With self contained vaults, any vault can be immediately shared and will be available to use. Even if the vault has dependencies that are missing or inaccessible to the shared person, the vault itself will still function.

I want to display my vault in existing version control destinations (eg. github/gitlab) so that others can get an idea for what its about before downloading it

Today, when you load a vault, you get a list of thousands of files. If there is a large number of files, Github won't even display the files in the vault.

With self contain vaults, the notes are contained within a subdirectory so they don't clutter the top directory. You can then add a readme file which Github/Gitlab can display it on the repository page.

I want to use standalone vaults with the same functionality I have today so that my existing use cases can be supported.

Self contained vaults support all the same functionalities we have today, and provide backward compatibility with existing vault and workspace features.

I want to keep my vault configuration separate from my editor/presentation/publishing configuration so that I can use the same vault with multiple settings (eg. publish to different sites)

Today, all configuration is coupled in the workspace. The only way to add different configuration for publishing is creating a workspace vault, which is not a discoverable feature. Similarly, if your workspace is shared with others, the only way to change editor settings without changing it for others is creating a new workspace and adding the original workspace as a workspace vault, which again is difficult to do, and additionally workspace vaults can't be nested.

With self contained vaults, the configuration for a vault that is being published can be changed without changing the configuration for the workspace. Changing the editor settings can also be done by creating a new vault, and adding the other vault as a dependency. This can be improved later by allowing local overrides, but that is outside the scope of this RFC.

I want to use multi-vault for personal and work vaults without having my personal vault configuration leak into my work vault details

With self contained vaults, the work vaults can be added into your personal vaults and all transitive dependencies are pulled in. You can keep your local settings without touching the settings of the shared workspace.

I want to sync multiple vaults so that I can implement access control on my knowledge base.

Today, this is confusing with local vaults, remote vaults, and how workspace sync works.

Stand alone vaults enforce one vault per repository, which makes access control easier. The access controlls can be configured on the version control services in a fine-grained manner. This can be improved later by allowing local overrides, but that is outside the scope of this RFC.

I want to use the same vaults across multiple published sites so that I can more easily re-use my knowledge

This story isn't great today - when you add a wiki link from a different note url, Copy Note URL only uses the URL for the workspace (unless the vault is a seed). A multi-vault environment might have content from multiple sites (or the same site depending on if the user chooses to re-publish that content).

With self contained vaults, each vault has its own configuration. "Copy Note URL" can traverse the dependency tree up from the vault of the note until it finds a publishing configuration, and generate the URL based on that configuration. If there are multiple ancestors with publishing configurations, it can instead prompt which one should be used.

Additionally, the same vault could be included as a dependency in many places, and since the dependencies are flattened the reused vault will map to the same vault once dependencies are pulled in.


One vault per repository

Enforcing one vault per repository is beneficial in that synchronization and sharing is much simpler, however it makes synchronization more difficult since each vault has to be added to a different remote.

Checkouts of different targets

Being able to target specific branches or even commits in vault dependencies makes the dependency system much more flexible. However, especially with transitive dependencies this could add duplicate vaults if two depended vaults in turn depend on the same vault but at different targets.

Multiple vaults may have the same name. If this conflict happens in transitive dependencies, the conflict would be very hard or impossible to resolve for the user. While we avoid the conflict when cloning the repositories by adding the remote name into the folder path, we don't have a similar solution for wikilinks. Adding the full path to each x-vault wikilink would be unwieldy.

One solution to this could be generating a random ID for each vault, and using that ID in the wikilink path instead. This would resolve conflicts in x-vault wikilinks, but it would hurt wikilink readability since the vault name will not be included.

Another solution is allowing notes to be linked by ID, but this is reduces readability even further and makes hand writing links effectively impossible.

Another solution is using import maps to allow users to rename depended vaults. This can be used to resolve name conflicts. Renaming can be prompted automatically when adding vaults. Renames also allow users to change the name that appears for the depended vaults in the user interface, which is desirable even without the name conflicts issue.


Please see the discussion page if you have any ideas or concerns.


Here are some points brought up during the discussions. These points should be already reflected in this RFC, but are included here for reference.

  • Dendron should include the dendron.code-workspace file in all workspaces, even though it's optional since this will make it easier to share vaults since the `code-workspace' file can recommend the Dendron extension.
  • Some users may want vaults that have no notes themselves that act as containers. The notes folder should be optional to make this possible, but the UX of this feature needs to be iterated on.
  • The migration to new vaults should be available to users behind a flag, so users can help us test the feature while it's in development.
  • Users should be able to rename transitive vaults by overriding the dependencies.
  • Users can disable cloning dependencies (and transitive dependencies) if they wish to not clone a vault.
  • There was some discussion of how to propagate refactors to dependent vaults. This discussion has been moved to RFC 43.
  • There was some discussion about being able to add local overrides to the configuration files, but this was decided to be out-of-scope for this RFC.
  • There was some discussion about splitting workspace and vault configuration, but this was decided to be out-of-scope for this RFC.
