Committing Code
This goes into how we commit code
Starting work
To start work on a new feature, clone the dendron repo and checkout a new branch. This should be in the format of {category}/{feature-description}
See Assign Category to Task for picking out the category
Work in Progress
- if your still iterating on your pull request or if your working on feedback but its not ready yet, put your PR into
mode until it is ready
Branch Style
All prs should start with [feat|fix|enhance|chore]/[{description-of-pr-in-kebab-case}]
- `eg. feat/add-thisthing`
git hooks
We have pre-commit and pre-push hooks, which we use to keep the codebase consistent. The pre-commit hook will make sure that your code is correctly formatted, and the pre-push hook will make sure you don't accidentally push in leftover debugging code.
The pre-commit hook has to stash and pop any unstaged changes you have in
the workspace. If something breaks during this process and your changes are
lost, check the stash using git stash list
to find your changes (should be marked pre-linting-stash
then use git stash pop stash@{x}
to recover the correct one.
Addressing open issues
Github has automation that will automatically close issues if you mention certain keywords like fix {issueUrl}
in the commit message.
We want to avoid this so use the related keyword when talking about issues
Related to {issueUrl}
Closing the issue is handled in After a release has shipped
Adding new dependencies
If you add a new dependency inside a PR, please call it out using teh following format: - DEPENDENCY_UPDATE: {dep_name} [added|removed|updated] {pkg}
Add the following text after the PR title, at the start of the PR description:
- DEPENDENCY_UPDATE: @dendronhq/plugin-core add foo@^1.1.1
{additional details: if adding or removing something, why?}