Assign Category to Task


How we assign category to tasks.




  1. Read over the different Assign Category to Task and use your best judgement to apply the correct type
  2. If the commit involves Assign Category to Task, add a BREAKING: <desc> in a newline after the commit
  3. When in doubt, add a question in #dendron-team channel


  1. Examples of features:

    • introducing a new command
    feat(commands): introduce Dendron Magic Command
    docs: <PR/link to docs>
  2. Examples of enhancements

    • lookup has new icons
    enhance(lookup): add magic icon toggle to lookup
    docs: <PR/link to docs>
  3. Examples of chores:

    • we improved the build pipeline
    • we added a new analytics event
    chore(build): make build pipeline 50% faster
  4. Example of a breaking change. See Breaking Changes



By type, we mean type as specified by conventional commits

Dendron has the following types:

  • feat: new feature work
  • enhance: enhancement of existing feature
  • fix: fixing an existing feature
  • chore: internal work

Breaking Changes

This includes introducing changes that are backwards incompatible with existing feature set. You should have one newline for each breaking change.


chore(commands): rename search to lookup

BREAKING: this changes the `Dendron: Search` command to `Dendron: Lookup`
