Rolling up Module Exports


When we are rolling up multiple lower level modules using a barrel (index.ts), make sure within the module we are not importing anything from the barrel itself.

This is especially important in a package that is mostly used in other packages as a dependency and does not execute code on its own (i.e. @dendronhq/common-all)

A real case of this happening can be found in this commit:


  • You exported something from a module correctly, but when you try to import it from some other package, you get a runtime error that says something like below.
Cannot read property of undefined (reading "someProperty")


  • Go to the package that you are importing from.
  • Find within all the modules that are rolled up and exported, any import statement that looks like so:
import { something } from ".."; // or
import { somethingElse } from "../.."
  • Fix them so that they look like this:
import { something } from "./something";
import { somethingElse } from "../somethingElse";


Say we have a top level module fooUtils in common-all. Consider the following file structure:

- common-all
  - utils
    - index.ts
    - someModule.ts
    - fooUtils
      - index.ts
      - fooBarUtils.ts
      - fooBazUtils.ts

To export methods, classes, and types in fooBarUtils.ts and fooBazUtils.ts, we would do the following in utils/fooUtils/index.ts:

// in `utils/fooUtils/index.ts`
export * from "./fooBarUtils";
export * from "./fooBazUtils";


and in turn do the following in utils/index.ts:

// in `utils/index.ts`
export * from "./someModule";
export * from "./fooUtils";


Now, there might be cases where fooBarUtils.ts needs something defined in someModule.ts. In this case be aware of this:

// in `fooUtils/fooBarUtils.ts`
// BAD

import { something } from "../.."; // we are importing from the top level barrel


import { something } from "../someModule"; // we are importing from the module itself

What is happening?


A short curcuit happens if you import from a barrel that is itself rolling up the file you are using the imports.


exported identifiers are hoisted

When you write export { A } from "B", the definition of A is hoisted, which means it has memory allocated. This means it can exist in memory and can be referenced prior to the actual definition / evaluation.

exports are evaluated lazily

When a module becomes part of a dependency in another module (imported), the content of the imported module is not evaluated until we actually say import { A } from "B". The first time we call import, all relevant code that is needed is resolved and loaded into memory.

exports are evaluated only once

When a module is imported, it will be evaluated, and this is the only time it gets imported in this scope.

So why the short circuit?

in the Example, calling import { something } from "../.."; means that I want to evaluate @dendronhq/common-all/utils right now.

Since exports are evaluated only once, and exports are evaluated lazily, this is the only time it will get evaluated.

Now, at this point because exported identifiers are hoisted, in the file utils/index.ts we have, in memory, reference to someModule, and fooUtils as declarations, but fooUtils is not yet evaluated completely (we are in the process of it). So some exported identifiers under fooUtils will be undefined.

All of the above happens at the point some other module tries to import something from common-all, so other packages will never have access to some of the fully evaluated exported identifiers in common-all.

