

Build all dependencies of plugin. See Dendron Plugin Quickstart


NOTE1: as a side effect of building, lerna will create a patch release and commit it to your current branch as well as bump the monorepo version up. This is required for building but you don't want to check it in NOTE2: this does not build updates to dendron-plugin-views. If the view code has changed, follow the views build steps to compile and sync

yarn setup:cli
pushd packages/plugin-core && yarn download-sqlite-binary && popd
env LOG_LEVEL=info FAST=1 yarn build:patch:local 2>&1 | tee /tmp/out.txt

After you have verified the changes, don't forget to revert the patch

git reset --hard 'HEAD^'

Rebuild Dependencies

When building dependencies locally, you remove the symlinks inside plugin-core and dendron-plugin-views. This restores your development environment



Remove version bump

git reset --hard 'HEAD^'

Rebuild Dependencies

When building dependencies locally, you remove the symlinks inside plugin-core and dendron-plugin-views. This restores your development environment



You can pass environmental variables to set the following options while building

  • SKIP_SENTRY: don't upload source maps to sentry (this is enabled when you use FAST)
  • USE_IN_MEMORY_REGISTRY: this uses local in memory npm registry to do builds
  • FAST: instead of building everything from scratch, assumes that all sub packages are already built
    • skip type check
    • don't restore package.json
  • LOG_LEVEL: set to debug|info|error, controls verbosity of log output


Layout of build folder

- dist/ # webpack generated output
    - static/
        - js/
            - ${view}.bundle.js     # dendron-plugin-views generated

  1. Internal
  2. Log
